Merv 8

Merv 8 pleats are our most common type of filter, and the main type we inventory. Merv 8 can be Xtreme self-support, Max wire back, Heavy Duty, and High Capacity. We can also make any custom size you might need.
Merv 13

Merv 13 pleats are on rise. They come in all the standard sizes as a Merv 8 but have a much higher efficiency rating for catching smaller sized particles. We stock Merv 13 pleats in most standard sizes, in limited quantities.
Final Filters

Final filters are common in large air handling units. They are typically Merv 13 or higher, with availability at lower ratings if needed.
Merv 8 pleated filters are common to have in front of finals to act as a prefilter. This helps extend the longevity of final filters and potentially lower costs. We keep limited quantities in stock of the most popular sizes!
Fiberglass or Poly

Fiberglass or poly filters are common for low-cost option. They don’t have a posted Merv rating, so they capture larger sized particles. We keep standard sizes for these stocked in limited quantities.