Slide The Best Filters
At The Best Prices!
Since 2000 we have served Indiana with quality filters at competitive prices. Our team is dedicated to providing the best customer service and product availability for any need! With decades of combined experience, we can help you pick the right filters for clean and safe air. Check our MyAccount to access your past orders, pay invoices, or make update account information MY ACCOUNT

No matter how big or how small your job, Indiana Filter Supply can get you set up to do the work—fast.

In addition to our ready inventory, Indiana Filter Supply also provides value-added service so you can get exactly what you need in the shortest possible time. We sell exact quantities, package and tag orders, and can offer advice about the best products for your facility. With today’s changing climate, air quality is more important than ever.

We serve many different commercial markets with the largest being the healthcare, education, and mechanical contractor industries. In addition to providing filters, belts, and other filtration products we also offer filter change-out and removal services. Call us today to see how we can help YOU.

Mechanical Contractors
Filter Service

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